Wednesday 8 February 2012

Script for Filming

First scene

Dance studio
Establishing shot of the building.
A group of friends are rehearsing, four decide to leave while one remains alone.

Camera Shot
High angle shot -of group, everyone dancing in unison.
Close up shots -of each character as they turn.
                        - they leave
Medium shot- Buffy looking in mirror, masked man standing behind her
Point of view shot- No one there (false scare)
Pan shot- Lights flickering
Point of View shot- Masked villain running towards camera

Risk assessment
Dance floor could be slippery, we will prevent this by wearing appropriate footwear. Any cast or crew suffering from photo- sensitive epilepsy should not be in the room at time of filming.

Second scene

On the way home
Chase sequence

Camera shot
Hand held camera- Kirby running
Break in 180 degree angle- running
Close up shots- Frightened face
Fast/quick cuts-

Risk assessment
Ensure appropriate footwear is worn due to the steepness of the hill. Be aware of the public and dogs.

Third scene

LIVE broadcast
News report

Camera shot
Close up shot- of TV

Risk assessment

Fourth scene

Phone call
Nina picks up the phone, camera cuts to phone ringing in Tatum’s house. Voiceover of villain speaking.

Camera Shot
Point of view shot of Nina picking up the phone.
Close up shot of Nina on the phone.
Pan shot of phone ringing in Tatum’s house and same broadcast on TV.

Risk assessment

Fifth scene

Bath time
Voiceover of villain answering the call as the villain walks in the bathroom. Tatum has her eyes closed and is having a bath, she lifts her head from the water and looks up to see (a blurred silhouette of) the villain.

Camera shot
Point of view when the bathroom door opens (voiceover starts)
Cut to close up of her head rising from the water

Risk assessment
The actor needs to be willing to be underwater and trust the villain actor. Also, must be aware of the fact that there will be water so the crew must take care of the equipment and themselves.

Sixth scene

Nina falls to the ground in the bathroom where Tatum was killed.

Camera shot
Long shot of Nina falling to the ground
Close up of Nina’s face

Risk assessment
The actor playing Nina should be careful not to hurt herself when she falls to the ground.

Seventh scene

Kirby on the ground in a pool of blood. Tatum drowning. Nina hugging Thomas. Final shot of Nina in the window and villain standing next to her. (The woman in black)

Camera shots
High angle shot and quick cuts- of Kirby on the floor laying in blood. (Texas Chainsaw Massacre camera shot music)

Risk assessment
The actor should ensure she should not slip in the pool of fake blood.

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