Tuesday 13 March 2012

Filming the Trailer

This are the images we took whilst filming our trailer. We experiemented with lighting and in the end used a torch light to film the majority of our trailer as we all unanimously preferred the 'spotlight' effect which made the characters look quite pale. Furthermore, as our film fits the slasher subgenre, we decided to film in the night to create an eerie atmosphere. Like all filming processes, we went through ups and downs with trying to get the perfect shots. The scenes with Tatum soaking her head in the water required careful planning as once her hair was wet, we would not be able to film that scene again and make it appear as if she's about to go into the water the first time. Luckily, we managed to get it right the first time. We realised how many shots are needed just to create a ninety second trailer as by the end, we had lots of hours of filming to cut. There were also many scenes we shot which did not make it to the trailer such as the knife in the sink scene. Although we wanted to keep all the scenes, we had to compromise with some scenes which really weren't all that necessary. However, this just meant that the best shots and scenes were in the trailer so we were relieved knowing that our trailer was high in quality. We did not know what soundtrack we would be using for the trailer and I feel that it would have been useful if we did because that would have enabled us to match beat of the music with our shots.

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