Monday 12 March 2012

The Making of my Poster

5th and Final Draft

After acting upon the suggestions and opinions given by my target group, I have made the credits, date and title bright and increased the size of the "L's" in "LAST LAUGH". I showed my target group the poster and they unanimously voted that draft 5 was better than draft 4. Thus, this is the final draft of my film poster. I feel that this poster depicts a slasher horror film and correlates with the trailer too.

4th Draft
I have decided to make my poster darker so that there is not as much red in the background. Following the suggestions made by my target group, I have made the "L's" the same size as "LAST LAUGH" aswell. After doing this, I decided to show all 30 individuals, which I had broken down into groups of 10 when showing my earlier drafts, the poster and we put this poster next to the "Friday the 13th" poster and marked the similarities and differences. The target group then looked back at the earlier drafts and came to a collective conclusion that the "L's" in "LAST LAUGH" should be bigger. Moreover, the title, credits, and date is not quite visible so they suggested that I make it brighter, especially the date as it is very faint.

3rd Draft
Taking the feedback from my target group on board, I decided to experiment with the font size so I made "THE" smaller which follows the style of the "Friday the 13th" film poster too. As a result, the focus is on "LAST LAUGH". Furthermore, I have added a space between each word which allows the glow effect to be much more visible and it gives it a sharp appearance linking back to the knife weapon used in the trailer. I asked 10 different individuals from my target group once more to find out their opinions and if my poster appeared "industry standard". They felt that the poster should be much more dark so that only the villain stands out from the darkness. Additionally they felt that the "L's" should be the same size as "LAST LAUGH"

 2nd Draft
After adhering to the advice given by my target group, I have cropped the poster which means that the gap between the image and the title also decreased. I have moved the strapline "WHO WILL HAVE" a bit down because I felt it was not very visible. After this, I asked 10 different people from my target group if they felt my poster was a conventional horror film poster. They felt that the title was quite simple despite the font style so I should experiment with the font size.

1st Draft
This is the first draft of my film poster. I got my inspiration from the "Friday the 13th" poster below thus my image is located in the centre too. I edited the image so that the sky is tainted with red to create a 'blood' effect which conforms to the slasher sub genre. I downloaded the "28 Days Later/28 Weeks Later" font as I felt that it appropriately depicted the gruesome nature of the plot. To get the opinion of my target group, I asked 10 people from the ages of 15-21 and they felt that the poster's length was very long. Also, that there was too much of a gap between the title and the image. They suggested that I crop the poster so that the key image of the villain is clear and eye catching.

Inspiration for Poster

This is a typical slasher film poster and I will be referring to it throughout the production of my poster. I feel the central long shot image with the slight low angle shot depicts the villain as an incredibly powerful character. The trees in the background create a sense of entrapment and I prefer the image being of the villain than the hero/heroine as it heightens the fear for the audience. They can expect to witness gruesome action as indicated by the inclusion of the chainsaw. There is not much writing on the poster to divert the attention from the focus image. The strapline "WELCOME TO CRYSTAL LAKE" is simple infont style and size. The title and date are in the same blood red colour which is appropriate for a slaher horror film. For my poster, I would like to create a similar product, where the image is striking and not much writing around the poster. I would like to use the photoshop software to experiment with the font styles and the background image. Overall, I would like to create a simple slasher style poster which focuses on the power and sadistic nature of the villain to create fear in the audience.

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